Excerpt from my devotional this morning : "Until you learn to fly you’re not really living!" It previously told a story of a mama bird trying to teach her child to fly. The child was scared to death until finally the mama bird just pushed the child out of the nest and it was forced to figure out how to fly before hitting the ground. EXCELLENT. Story of my life! For the longest time Ive been FORCED to fly! And I have flown. But I'm always so scared. Scared of failing. Scared of disappointing someone. I don't know, just scared over-all. BUT I never fail. I don't normally disappoint people, actually, I more often than not do the exact opposite. I think, as humans, we get scared of the unknown. Because we cant see, feel or hear what is about to happen we are scared and timid to living life and taking chances. But as Christians we are promised protection and love from the God above. He promises to never leave or forsake us. To always be our friend when no one else is. To be a Savior in a world so lost. Trust me, all of this is WAY easier said than done. And actually, as I write, I'm speaking to my self as well. I think we forget that the easiest path in life isn't always the BEST path, or the one God calls us to travel. I think we need to remember that its actually opposite. Most times, the hardest of things are the ones that help us to "fly", the ones that teach us character, that strengthen us and gives us the ability to be able and get back up when we fall.
Personally, in my life right now, things are great. I'm happier than I have been in a LONG time. BUT that's not without struggles, refinement through the fire, difficult times that make you wonder, "how much longer will I be able to hang on, am I going to make it, is everything going to work out?" And during those times, life doesn't seem so grand but it never fails that AFTER those times. After all those struggles and questioning times I know my self better. After those times I'm stronger, wiser and more thankful to God and his purposes.
I wrote this because there are things happening in my life currently that could have me running for the hills. I mean, after all, its what im use to. When things arent perfect, when things get tough, when they dont go my way, I run. I run far away and never look back. But God spoke to me and is speaking to me in a very soft and quiet way ( as he always does) saying " Allishia, my beautiful daughter, this is where I want you. Be patient, trust Me and I will bring you that peace that surpasses all understanding." So, its what im doing.
Im here to tell you that "It is possible". With that thing you dont think will work. Its going to work out. That thing you've been asking God for, that place you want to go, ask and you will recieve according to His will. I got a text from a wonderful friend of mine literally as I was writting this. It said... " This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us." 1 John 5:14
To all of you reading this, I love you! May God bless your paths and strengthen you when you dont think you cant hang on. YOur not alone.
with LOTS of love,
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